Putting all the pieces together.

Noun: a word that names a person, place, thing, or idea.

  1. Abstract noun: names an idea or concept.

  2. Concrete noun: names a physical object.

  3. Common noun: refers to a person, place, or thing without giving it a specific, capitalized name.

  4. Proper noun: gives the specific, capitalized name of person, place, or thing.

  5. Countable noun: has both a singular and plural form, and refers to people or objects that can be counted.

  6. Noncountable noun: does not have a plural form, and refers to something that cannot be counted.

  7. Collective noun: names a group of people or things. A collective noun takes a singular verb even though it names a group of people or things.

  8. Gendered noun: takes a different form depending on the gender of the person to whom it refers. Gendered nouns usually refer to particular occupations.

  9. Appositive: explains the noun or noun phrase that directly precedes it. In the following sentence, the grouch is an appositive describing my father.

  10. Gerund: a noun formed by adding -ing to a verb.

  11. Infinitive: a noun formed by a verb and the word to.

학생 성취현황

김석민 제주국제중학교 North London 2012 합격

정재욱 제주국제중학교 North London 2013 합격

백지윤 대원외국어고등학교 2012 합격

김정엽 천안북일고등학교 2013 합격

정태경 경기과학고등학교 2013 합격

김성민 홍익대학교 미술 학부입학 2012 우수장학 합격

권미리 영훈 국제 초등학교 말하기대회 최우수상

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